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Financial Security Support Services

Customer care when fraud strikes

Reassurance and support for customers affected by suspected fraud.

Fraud attempts – and successful fraud – are on the rise across Europe as fraudsters exploit the vulnerability of naïve customers using digital channels, especially mobile banking and shopping. International fraud specialists FICO say that Card-Not-Present fraud linked to identity theft grew five-fold in Germany alone last year.

We provide reassurance and practical help during the fraud management process via phone. We offer dedicated 24/7/365 phone lines for client bank customers, providing reassurance and communication while suspect transactions are researched. Services include blocking for accounts, cards and digital banking interfaces, password cancellation and resetting, digital ID blocking (including BidBax in Norway), transaction tracking and instant reporting to the customer’s bank

Rolf-Inge Rasmussen

Product Manager, Bank & Card Support 24/7

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