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Having established and authenticated your customer’s ID, we provide a password-free experience based on biometrics for login and for further authentications required by your digital processes. Advanced technologies enable strong multi-factor authentication that’s fully compliant with the requirements of the EU’s PSD2 Strong Customer Authentication (SCA).

Kayser Hasanjan

Sales Manager

Secure Access

Secure Access is a complete service for strong user authentication. It is Tietoevry´s core banking security service supporting multiple banking application platforms and channels.

Secure Access is a private eID system for a financial institution. The basis is a basic eID implementation. The information in the eID implementation is limited to the information needed to connect the subject and the authenticators in use. No authenticator secrets like password are stored in plaintext. Different authenticators as password, OTP-token (GO3/Digipass), SMS OTP and biometrics can be used to satisfy the desired authentication level.

Login Service

Login Service provides secure and easy access to various web or mobile applications. The service offers user authentication by usage of national eIDs such as Norwegian BankID, Swedish BankID, Danish MidtID and Finnish FTN. The authentication dialogue is presented to the user from a web client. The service is integrated with several of Tietoevry's services. The integrated application receives an OpenID Connect response as a result from the authentication process.

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