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Here you get to work with state-of-the-art technology

In TietoEVRY, the possibilities are almost endless. Read more about how it is to work at TietoEVRY.

Erik Eggen / January 28, 2021

Not only do they invest heavily in the competence development of their employees, they also give you the opportunity to have a varied workday and to test the latest in technology and find out what exactly you are particularly good at.

“You get new challenges all the time, at the same time we do not know where the technology will be six months ahead, so new opportunities and solutions will constantly open up. Here you can really be whatever you want,” says Arnab Datta, Competence lead for Java.

Frode Rislå is Arnab's colleague and leads the professional group for Microsoft 365, in addition to being employed as a consultant and solution architect.

Together with Frode Rislå, Arnab can tell more about how TietoEVRY is investing even more in competence development and a varied working day for its employees.

Keep learning

Working in the leading IT company in the Nordics, it is important to stay up to date on the latest in technology - all the time. That is why TietoEVRY invests heavily in continuous learning through courses, "hands-on workshops", concept development, and most of all in its own learning communities.

In Norway, they have 6 main consulting practices with 45 learning communities within these again and about 1200 Norwegian employees are involved. Several of the learning communities are also Nordic.

“My main task as a community lead is to contribute to the entire community. I collaborate with several with the same professional background as me in the Nordics. We run mostly monthly network meetings on topics that are relevant to the Nordic region and often involve people who give presentations from the global Microsoft 365 practice for experience sharing,” says Frode.

Within the Microsoft community, there are again many subgroups you can get involved in, for example, the Microsoft Power Platform group. You can even create a new professional group if you have the commitment to implement it.

Frode says that they set aside a lot of time internally to update themselves on different topics. Compliance and security have received greater attention from customers, especially with increasing use of Microsoft Teams and collaboration across companies and with employees' home offices. By using Teams collaboration, cooperation, professional work and customer dialogue all work very well.

“We tend to say that we always have enough learning activity in TietoEVRY to fill a classroom every day,” all day.

“The professional development is based on the employees' own commitment. It is not a requirement, but it is quite common that the employees are very engaged in what they do and set aside time in their free time for further education, take courses and generally want to spend their free time testing things out. It is a good way to stay up to date,” Frode believes.

In addition, he highlights "hands-on workshops".

“These workshops often involve us setting aside a few hours to learn something new, whether we code, develop something, learn a new tool. There are simply workshops where we test new things together,” he says.

Here you can become whatever you want

Both Frode and Arnab agree that one of the things you really gain from being in a large company is the opportunities internally. Do not thrive where you are? Change department, then!

“Some are employed here in one type of position, but find that there is actually another type of work you are more interested in. Then TietoEVRY is very open for you to move, to a new professional group, a new department, a new project and a new direction. Yes, whatever it may be,” says Frode.

Arnad_tietoEVRY.jpg Arnab Datta, Competence lead for Java.

Arnab agrees.

“You get the opportunity to test different roles. For example, I had different types of developers, team leaders, and community lead, but basically, I am a consultant who focuses on helping the customer. You eventually get good at many things from working here,” he thinks.

In addition, Arnab Datta is also the leader of the learning community for Java. They focus on everything in development, everything from language and technologies to backend and frontend. At a gathering about Kotlin, 85 participated in Teams, so even though we are now in home offices, there is still is very good participation and great interest in different topics and new technology.

We run monthly sessions in the Java group and a monthly TechLunch for Technology professionals and a number of other professional activities and sessions. In addition, we have access to almost unlimited e-learning offerings of courses and hands-on training that makes it easy to stay up to date. We are constantly working to stay a little ahead and look a lot at future technologies. If you are stuck, there are good colleagues who can help just a few keystrokes away on Slack, says Arnab.

“Is the goal that everyone in TietoEVRY should know something about everything?”

“Both yes and no. If you are happy with what you do and enjoy it, then it is great. But we want you to stay up to date on technology and be able to look outside your own zone as well. It is important to be able to deliver holistically to the customer,” says Arnab.

Being part of a large company obviously gives you the opportunity to try things out, and can also open new doors you did not expect.

“The possibilities are many and you are not locked into an area. New areas you did not know you were interested in may appear, which suddenly become a passion. Here you can really be whatever you want,” Arnab thinks.

“The most important thing is that you are interested in technology and think it's fun. We are many here who look forward to work every single day,” says Frode.

People are always the main focus

The community leads can tell that there are exciting times ahead for the company.

“The management has a strong focus on competence development. Now our learning environment is gaining more and more momentum,” says Arnab enthusiastically.

“And it is precisely the breadth of our learning communities that is one of our great strengths. We have so many talented people, we are so big and have talented people in all disciplines. That is where our strength lies,” he adds.

Frode agrees.

“The people and knowledge we have gathered are what make TietoEVRY what it is today. That is why it is incredibly important for us to take care of our people, they are the heart of the company.”

“What is the plan ahead for your learning communities?”

“For our part, we will immerse ourselves more in AI and machine learning, eg. the AI ​​RPA part of the Power Platform since we see that there is increasing interest among customers for automation and optimization. We will also drive very hard forward in areas that focus on information security,” says Frode on behalf of the Microsoft group.

For the Java group, continuous updating on new technology will be in focus, Arnab can announce.

“There will generally be more subjects, simpler interdisciplinary collaboration across departments and countries and greater investments in TietoEVRY in the future, we are entering a very exciting time,” he concludes.

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Erik Eggen
Head of Unit4, Tietoevry Tech Services

Erik is heading Business Applications within Digital Consulting in Norway. He is also driving a large recruitment initiative for Digital Consulting focus areas in Norway. Check out open career opportunities here .

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