Cloud services enable you to effectively meet the needs of your customers and users and improve the user experience. Taking care of users' needs and delivering a good user experience is the key to success for all companies, regardless of industry and market.
IT solutions in the cloud make it possible to create efficient and user-oriented services, in addition to creating personalized user experiences. Use of the cloud has improved the user experience for the employees in a company, as well as provided simplified dialogue with the public.
With an increasingly digitalised world, more and more crime is moving online: business-critical information going astray, the kidnapping of data and IT systems (ransomware), data breaches, shutdown of websites (DDoS attacks) and much more. The world of cybercrime is becoming increasingly professional and increasingly difficult to stop. At the same time, IT security experts are in short supply and good IT security procedures are demanding to set up. This means that very few companies, if any, are able to properly handle IT security with their internal resources.
On the other hand, cloud companies that provide Public Cloud services such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon have large security departments and some of the world’s best “white hats” – IT security experts – on the payroll.
Microsoft, for example, spends enormous resources on developing market-leading security solutions, available to all Microsoft Azure users, regardless of whether you are a global group with thousands of employees or a start-up company with a handful of people.
The corona pandemic has accelerated the digitalisation of cooperation, collaboration and administrative processes. Video conferencing, information and data sharing, and automation of processes are greatly simplified by the use of cloud services.
Cloud services allow more people to collaborate on the same document in real time, regardless of where a person sits and which device the person uses. Cloud-based collaboration services provide the necessary security while removing barriers to information sharing between colleagues, partners and suppliers. Centralized data in the cloud provides secure access to the same information no matter where a user is located or which device is being used, as long as access rights are granted to the user in question. Centralized rights management and storage of information increases the productivity of the business while reducing costs.
“New innovations happen in the cloud first.” That has been the message from all the major providers of cloud-based software and platforms. This is true for Microsoft, Oracle, SAP, Google and other suppliers of software that can still be installed on-prem (meaning “on-premises”, i.e. you have physical servers and computers located on site).
The cloud is where innovations, new solutions and services come first. Many – and more and more – solutions and services will not be available on traditional on-prem installations at all.
To put it bluntly: if you want to take advantage of innovative IT solutions today or in the future that can boost your business, generate new revenue and improve the customer experience, your business must have a cloud strategy. Just think of the possibilities that lie in IoT (Internet of Things), AR (Augmented Reality), analytics, AI (Artificial Intelligence) and so on.
Businesses must grow, and with growth comes more processes, tasks and increased administration, as well as more customers and employees. This growth also generates more data and often the need for new systems and new IT services.
Previously, this meant purchasing servers and storage systems, equipment that also required space. In addition, the equipment had to be set up and configured, which required both time and resources. Fortunately, today there are other and more efficient ways to get new IT services. By using cloud solutions such as Microsoft Azure, your business can increase storage, set up infrastructure for new business systems or add new users – all with just a few clicks. In a few short minutes, your cloud-based IT infrastructure and IT services will be up and running.
Cloud also makes it easy and affordable to test new online services. You can scale up, scale down or completely remove services that are no longer in use. Since you only pay for the services you use, your IT costs will also increase or decrease at the same time.
Through the effects of the initiatives mentioned above, companies will achieve various financial gains. Lift of gains from using cloud services:
A move to the cloud can provide cost savings by moving the expense items from investments to ongoing operations. Traditional solutions and deliveries require large investments from start. In addition, there are high unpredictable operating costs and re-investment in the renewal of equipment and software.
In the cloud, you pay for the services you use, when you need them. Increases the number of employees, increases operating costs in parallel without upfront investment. If the number of employees is reduced, costs are reduced accordingly. Cloud services reduce own employees' time consumption when establishing and operating IT solutions, which frees up time and capacity for strategic IT work.
The cloud will give your business better liquidity.
We help large and small companies in various industries to propose the next step in their cloud journey through a standardized and well-documented framework. We can also help you, through our services within «Cloud Advisory», which you can read more about here.
Download this guide on how to associate your business goals with cloud investing.