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Future of clinical information is open.

Backbone of the new era of open healthcare ecosystems

Dealing with healthcare IT and especially with clinical information is complex, and the solutions provided for clinicians have sometimes been suboptimal and not lasting in the long-term. But why? And how could this be done better and faster?

The clinical information model is at the heart of any healthcare information system. It can be considered as the common language between clinicians and the healthcare system. The overall aim is to provide sharable, stable, and organized structure of knowledge in the healthcare domain. To achieve this, the information model should be in a lasting, standardized format.

Doing standardization on a single EHR (electronic health record) platform is not cost-effective. openEHR is the international standard for building clinical data repositories that are future-proof and flexible. Tietoevry has chosen an open data model, openEHR, that enables the best use of international and national clinical information and care recommendations as well as rapid organizational customization. The first openEHR-based Lifecare solutions were deployed in 2019.
Mika Kiviaho

Chief Medical Officer

OpenEHR Foundation

The openEHR International builds and develops the openEHR specification, an open standard that is used to build information and interoperability solutions for healthcare IT. As an industry partner, Tietoevry actively supports the development of the standard by contributing clinical substance knowledge to the data models and the technical specifications by verifying and testing the specifications while implementing Lifecare. Read more about openEHR here.

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