PPS Business change management
PPS Business change management
A business change only takes place when people change. The PPS model supports leading business change from the human perspective. Creating the conditions for new behaviours and abilities makes operations ready to receive the results of projects and other initiatives and ensure that the benefits materialise. This requires dedicated business change management. Business change management is part of the business benefit management of operations.
PPS support for business change management is divided into the three areas of assess, prepare and implement. The change manager plans, organises and coordinates the change activities in consultation with the operations representatives.
Assessing business change
The change initiative starts with an assessment of the scope and complexity of the business change. This assessment is made based on the stakeholders involved, the organisation's prerequisites and capacities, and an analysis of risks that may affect the change effort. PPS has a tool that we call ‘Classification of business change’. This helps you clarify what work will be required and create consensus on what the business change means.
Preparing for business change
Once the decision to implement the business change has been made, you need to prepare for the effective implementation of the change. The leaders of the operations need to have understood and accepted their commitment to the business change. Preparing means formulating and disseminating information about why the business change is to take place, and organising, planning and defining the change activities.
Implementing business change
Implementing the business change means being compliant and carrying out planned change activities in operations. Business change management should also highlight and celebrate progress when new behaviours emerge and address old unwanted behaviours. This can create the desire to be part of the continued journey of change and provide motivation to continue the business change. Once new behaviours and skills have emerged, the business change needs to be sustained.
Leading people through a business change requires good leadership and clear communication. To get people on board, it is important to listen, create participation and understand reactions and objections, and to manage resistance. The PPS model provides a lot of support for leadership and communication.
Learn how to lead business change in our PPS business change management trainings