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Webinar: Simplify and automate the processing of access requests

How we make it easy for your organisation to comply with the Freedom of Information Act.

26.10.2023, Online
Watch Recording (DK)

Webinar: Simplify and automate the processing of access requests

Vi er glade for at invitere dig og din organisation til vores kommende webinar.

Dato: 26.10 Tid: 10:00 CET. Varighed: 45 min.

Med tillægsmodulet til Public 360° ”Information Act Request” (Aktindsigt) får din organisation support gennem hele processen for behandling af anmodninger om dokumentadgang.

With the Public 360° "Information Act Request" add-on module, your organisation is supported throughout the entire process of handling document access requests.

When a citizen requests access to one or more documents in the organisation's record system, the access requests are linked to an Access to Documents case in Public 360°.

The benefit of using the Access to Documents module is to automate the registration and sending of access requests. The module supports compliance with processing time requirements and the ability to use previous decisions for the same document as a precedent.

The webinar will cover:

  • Demo and Introduction to Access to Documents
  • Step-by-step process for processing access requests
  • Automating and meeting processing times
  • Using previous decisions as a precedent

Contact us

Anna Gertz

Senior Sales Manager, Tietoevry, Public 360° Sales Denmark

Date and place

08:00-08:45 UTC
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