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Billing and Invoice

Take your collaboration with suppliers and customers to the next level with streamlined digital billing, invoicing, and document processing.

Processing of documents and invoices

Communication via digital channels facilitates internal efficiency and means your business can spend less and get more.

A great deal of your customers’ and partners’ experience is about how efficiently and transparently you manage payment, invoicing, and document handling related communications with them. The business processes should flow smoothly across your suppliers and partners. We support the optimization of your processes – from purchase to pay – resulting in better customer experience.

Over the last few years, we have seen the rise of a completely new generation of digital payment services. Today’s customers want to select a communication channel based on their individual needs. We support your business by offering the channel preferred by each customer, whether it is eInvoice or a printed letter sent by regular mail. For public entities, we make sure that all requirements connected to privacy and security regulations are met.

Carin Ramsin

Product Manager

In the spotlight

Partner program

We create digital security for your customers to interact in a time-critical data-driven society with our partner ecosystem.

Read more

White paper: When UX meets CX

Learn how enhancing user experience can boost customer satisfaction and loyalty in our latest whitepaper.

Dowload here

White paper: Fintech, P27 and the ever-changing world of payment

Learn how optimizing payments and improving customer experience can boost customer retention in our whitepaper.

Download here

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