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Industry Messaging

Industry Messaging harmonizes and simplifies your business-critical B2B connection with the product portfolio Business Information Exchange (BIX).

Business Information Exchange

Business Information Exchange (BIX) harmonizes and simplifies your digital connections with customers, suppliers, banks, authorities, and other stakeholders.

Together with us you can harmonize and simplify your business-critical B2B connections. Our services meet demands for high availability, security, and data privacy, so you can focus on your core business.

The BIX product portfolio enables you to automate the O2C (order-to-cash) and P2P (purchase-to-pay) processes. Our offerings provide access to multiple ecosystems and connect you to international networks such as Peppol, EESPA, and SWIFT.

Business Information Exchange contains 5 products; Supply Chain Messaging, B2B e-Invoicing, Financial Messaging, Industry Hubs, and Energy Information Exchange. The products can be combined or used separately.

Please contact us in Industry Messaging to learn more about our offering and find the best solution for your business.

Dennis Hansson

Head of Industry Messaging

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