In Edlevo Student Registry, administrators and school management can manage all parts of an organization, everything from individuals, classes, groups and departments to the placement of children and students. In addition, there are functionalities for managing school fees, inter-municipal compensation, teachers and teacher qualifications, applications, service planning, scheduling, printing of reports, managing guardians and contacts, analyses, and reporting statistics to authorities – to name just a few examples.
As a teacher, you can use Edlevo to assign grades, register attendances and absences in your lessons, communicate with guardians, and plan and book appraisals. The functions a teacher can access are controlled by which options are linked to the Edlevo Student Register and what authorization the teacher has been given.
There are good opportunities for integrating other subsystems with Edlevo Student Register via a large number of APIs (e.g. via SS 12000:2020 APIs).

Student Registry
The basis of a school management system. With a high focus on data security and a user-friendly interface, daily routines become more efficient for administrators, school management and teachers.

Ann-Charlott Lundgren
Head of Sales, Education

Efficient automation
With automated processes and reporting, manual administration is reduced which frees up time for other tasks.

360-degree overview
Experience a user-friendly platform that provides you with data and the right kind of insights for fast and efficient decision-making.

Data security
A secure platform that protects data privacy in full compliance with GDPR regulations.