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Reporting changes

Due to business-driven organizational changes as well as changes in reporting standards, we have published adjusted historical figures for business domain net sales, operating profit and margin

Past reporting changes of Tietoevry

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As part of the company’s ongoing strategic reviews, Tietoevry Connect and Tietoevry Transform were integrated to form Tietoevry Tech Services, effective 1 April 2023. The comparative information has been restated.

Link to the release

Comparative information

Comparative information in excel


Following the strategy announcement in October 2021, we have established six specialized end-to-end businesses. The new structure took effect on 1 January 2022. The restated comparison figures for 2021 and additional material is available below.

Read the release

Description of the segments

Comparison figures

Comparison figures Excel

Depreciations restated

Comparable financial information based on the new reportable segments

Tieto’s and EVRY’s merger was concluded on 5 December 2019 and Tietoevry’s new business structure became operational on 1 January 2020. While financial reporting is based on the official financial figures of Tietoevry reports will include comparable financial information as additional information. In the tables below, you will find comparable financial information with EVRY consolidated for the full period.

Read the release

Description of the segments

Comparison figures

Comparison figures Excel

Tieto's comparison figures based on the new business structure


Tieto’s operating model has been aligned to the strategy launched in February 2019. Implementation of the new simplified operating model has been completed. As from the second-quarter interim report to be published on 19 July, the following businesses will constitute reportable segments for Tieto:  

  • Digital Experience
  • Hybrid Infra
  • Industry Software
  • Product Development Services

 Tieto's financial reporting for 2018 and the first quarter of 2019 has been adjusted to account for the changes. Comparison figures and a description of the segments are available in the attachments.

Description of the segments

Comparison figures

Comparison figures Excel

IFRS 16 Leases, effective 1 January 2019, will result in almost all leases being recognized on the statement of financial position. Under the new standard, an asset (the right to use the leased item) and a financial liability to pay rentals are recognized in the statement of financial position.

We will adopt the modified retrospective approach upon transition, resulting with all transition impact being reported as adjustment to opening retained earnings and comparative periods are not restated. On the reporting date, the Group has non-cancellable operating lease commitments of EUR 182.0 million. It is estimated that IFRS 16 has the following impact on the Group financial statements:


Income statement (EUR million)


As reported in 2018

IFRS16 impact

Employee benefit expenses (currently including car benefit expenses)


decrease of <1%

Depreciation, amortization and impairment losses


increase of ~90%

Other operating expenses


decrease of ~20%



increase of ~2.5–3.0%

Interest expenses


increase of 100–115%

Profit before taxes


decrease of ~1%


Key figures


As reported in 2018

IFRS16 impact

Net debt


increase of 115–125%

Net debt/EBITDA


increase of ~0.5

Tieto has implemented internal business transfers that help the company capture consulting-driven market opportunities as well as further drive customer value. As from 1 April, business transfers from Technology Services and Modernization to Business Consulting and Implementation include enterprise application-related business for cloud-born applications, integration consulting and Value Networks as a related solution. Annual sales of the transferred businesses amount to around EUR 37 million. In addition, Tieto's Financial Digital Channels business (previously part of the Industry Solutions service line), with sales of EUR 11 million, was transferred to Business Consulting and Implementation on 1 May. Other business transfers are smaller in size.

Relevant documentation:

Comparison figures

Tieto has adopted the new IFRS 9, ‘Financial Instruments’ and IFRS 15 ‘Revenue from Contracts with Customers’ as of 1 January 2018. The first interim report for 2018 is prepared in accordance with the new standards.

The impact of IFRS 15 on 2017 Group-level net sales is EUR 0.2 million and on operating profit (EBIT) EUR -0.1 million. The change mainly affects the Technology Services and Modernization service line. The impact of IFRS 9 on the company’s equity in the opening balance sheet for 2018 is EUR 0.4 million (negative). The total impact of reporting changes on equity, including IFRS 9 and IFRS 15, is EUR 0.2 million (positive). Tieto's financial reporting for 2017 has been adjusted to account for the reporting standard changes.

Relevant documentation:

Comparison figures

Effective from 1 July 2016, the new structure is based on service lines and industry groups. In line with the operating model, we have also changed our financial reporting. From the third-quarter of 2016, reports have been prepared in accordance with the new structure.

Our service lines:

· Technology Services and Modernisation
· Business Consulting and Implementation
· Industry Solutions
· Product Development Services.

They constitute our reportable segments. We will disclose the customer sales and operating profit, among others, of these reportable segments.

Additionally, we will disclose customer sales by industry groups:

· Financial Services
· Public, Healthcare and Welfare
· Industrial and Consumer Services.

Our financial reporting in 2015 and the first half of 2016 was adjusted to account for these changes. 

Relevant documentation:

New business structure 2016

During 2015 and 2016 we completed the following acquisitions:

Software Innovation in August 2015 (Industry Solutions)
Imano in December 2015 (BCI)
Smilehouse in December 2015 (BCI)
Emric in September 2016 (Industry Solutions)

The impact on 2016

Sales of these companies are included in our 2016 figures. The following table illustrates quarterly sales of acquired companies before consolidating to Tieto:

EUR million






Smilehouse and Imano (in BCI)






Software Innovation (IS)






Emric (IS)











Impact on 2017

The following table illustrates quarterly sales of acquired companies before consolidating to Tieto

EUR million






Emric (IS)











We adopted the new IFRS 11 ‘joint arrangements’ as of 1 January 2014. Proportional consolidation of joint ventures is no longer allowed and the results are reported as one line above operating profit (EBIT). Our reports from 2014 onwards are prepared in accordance with the new standard.

Equity accounting will decrease the group’s net sales by around 4%. The change mainly affects the Industry Products (around 12% negative) and Managed Services (around 2% negative) service lines. Of industry groups, the change mainly affects Financial Services (around 10% negative) and Public Healthcare and Welfare (around 7% negative).

EBIT is affected by the amount corresponding to our share of joint ventures’ financial items and taxes, and there might be a slightly positive impact, if any, on EBIT margin. The company’s net profit for the period is not affected.

Relevant documentation:

Income statement 
Balance sheet
Segment reporting

The tables below include an estimation of the divestments impact on our service lines and industry group sales in 2014, for local businesses ib Germany and the Netherlands, and local forest business in the UK.

The impact of Fidenta divestment (joint venture with Nordea) is no longer visible in this divestments table. As it is based on IFRS 11, joint venture sales are eliminated from the Group sales.

Relevant documentation:

Divestment tables

Our new business structure and operating model took effect at the beginning of 2013. The new structure is based on service lines and industry groups. In line with the new operating model, we also changed our financial reporting at the beginning of 2013.

The service lines are:

· Managed Services
· Consulting and System Integration
· Industry Products
· Product Engineering Services.

They constitute the main operating segments. We will disclose the customer sales and operating profit, among others, of the service lines.

Additionally, we will disclose customer sales by industry group:

· Financial Services
· Manufacturing, Retail and Logistics
· Public, Healthcare and Welfare
· Telecom, Media and Energy.

Due to an amendment of IAS 19 ‘Employee benefits’, there will be a change in the calculation of pension liability. The related finance costs are calculated on a net funding basis and presented in financial items. This change has an impact of EUR 1.7 million on our annual-level operating profit. This amount will increase finance costs. Based on the change, we restated our operating profit (EBIT) for 2012 as EUR 63.0 million (previously EUR 61.3 million) and operating profit (EBIT) excl. one-off items for 2012 as EUR 138.8 million (previously EUR 137.1 million). The net result remains unchanged. 

Relevant documentation:

Comparison figures

Our new business structure and operating model changed beginning of 2011. The new structure was based on market units and business lines. In line with the new operating model, renewed internal reporting and the IFRS requirements, we also changed our financial reporting at the beginning of 2011.

The market units will be the main operating segments covering Finland and the Baltic countries, Scandinavia, Central Europe and Russia, and Global Accounts. Reportable segments are defined based on IFRS8, 'Operating Segments'. On these segments, we will disclose a range of quarterly figures as required by the IFRS.

In addition to market unit reporting, we disclosed the net sales by business lines, which are Industry Solutions, Enterprise Solutions, Managed Services and Transformation, and Product Engineering Solutions. We also disclosed net sales by customer sector.

Our financial reporting for 2010 was adjusted for the changes.

Relevant documentation:

Comparison figures

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