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Mattias and Elias: Using AI and machine learning to combat bullying

Full stack developers Elias and Mattias value working with cutting edge technology, but the best part of their job is their contribution to society.

Mattias Holmgren / June 15, 2023
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60 000 children are bullied in Swedish schools every year and digitalization and social media has only amplified the problem.

- We’re both working on a project where we’re using AI and machine learning in an initiative to stop bullying, says Elias.

- If this project is a success, we will create significant change for tens of thousands of young Swedes, adds Mattias. Bullying is something most people can identify with, which makes it quite tangible and meaningful to try to counter.

The project is done in co-operation with the children’s rights organization Friends and Örebro University, with funding from Vinnova.

Digital twins

Elias and Mattias are using digital twins to find patterns that can identify unwanted behavior.

- We’re conducting a pilot where our technology gathers data and tries to find patterns in pupils who are either being bullied or are at risk of being bullied, says Elias. We’re using machine learning and AI to uncover what we don’t already know and prevent and give us a head’s up before bullying takes place.

The process of identifying bullying has up until now been a manual and therefore time-consuming process.
- We want to use AI to analyze data faster and more efficiently, continues Mattias. We’re using text analysis of children’s own words, where we’re responsible for data collection, analysis, and the interface with both the kids and teachers. We’re at the stage now where we are training the models to be as accurate as possible.

A team effort

There is a 6-person strong team from Tietoevry on the anti-bullying project, with 3-4 people from Friends and Örebro University.
- In this project we have an architect, a project manager and us developers working together as a team, says Elias. We can also ask just about anyone at Tietoevry if we have any questions or need help, there is a great spirit of co-operation here.

Not only are the colleagues knowledgeable, Mattias also describes them as passionate:
- My colleagues at Tietoevry are passionate about technology and have a drive that is unparalleled. I, like many of my colleagues, spend some of my spare time learning new technologies and exploring gadgets, because I find it fun and stimulating. Being around such people is a privilege.

Mattias also mentions long discussions over a cup of coffee and the Swedish tradition of “fika”.
- We discuss a lot and share information in informal and formal settings. We’re driven by solving problems as a team. I have a personal interest in learning more about AI and machine learning and have found many like-minded colleagues.

Mentor and buddy

On the topic of team spirit, Elias and Mattias mention the benefit of having both a mentor and a buddy.
- As part of the graduate program that I took part in, says Mattias, I was given a mentor. He acts like a professional guide, helping with my career development. It has been of great help to me.

In addition to a mentor, new employees are also assigned a buddy.
- A buddy is more of a social mentor, adds Elias, someone to help you navigate the more personal sides of working here. Little did I know that Tietoevry for example has a social group for Whiskey and wine tasting. If that’s not your cup of tea, you can choose from a long list of other alternatives. There’s something for everyone here.

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Elias Holmér
Full Stack Developer

Location: Kalmar, Sweden
Started: 2022
Background: Software Development at Linnéuniversitetet
Fun fact: Has a tattoo of the Spiderman symbol on his chest

Mattias Holmgren
Full Stack Developer

Location: Kalmar, Sweden
Started: 2022
Background: Software Development at Linnéuniversitetet
Fun fact: Mattias has tried, but is not a fan of fried scorpions.


Mattias Holmgren

Full Stack Developer

Elias Holmér

Full Stack Developer

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