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Synne Hubsy: The complicated is easy to like

Synne works with anti-money laundering, which encompasses the fields of technology, economics, and law. This makes for a complex everyday life, which she thoroughly enjoys.

Synne Husby / June 28, 2024
Become Synne's colleague!

In recent years, the efforts against money laundering and the compliance requirements within banking and finance have increased significantly — a development that shows no signs of slowing down.

- What I like about this field is precisely that it is so dynamic. Technological development can be the criminals' best friend, but also their worst enemy. New requirements from authorities increase the complexity, and criminals become more cunning — so it takes a lot to stay one step ahead.

With studies in economics and IT, Synne is well equipped to keep up with the developments, but it is crucial to stay on top of the legal aspects as well.
- There are many considerations that must be weighed against each other, complex problems we face. For example, we must balance data capture against privacy, and there's no hiding that developers sometimes get frustrated by the requirements from those working with compliance.

Pilot project in AI

The technology is also in full development, and a dedicated group is working on a pilot project in AI.
- We have a dedicated research team working with artificial intelligence. Among several projects, they are working on training AI models to detect fraud and money laundering.

Synne's department has also developed systems for screening customers.
- Due to the geopolitical situation, banks have become much more concerned with politically exposed persons and general customer assessments in recent years. That's where our systems come in to assist.

Interdisciplinary teams

In the Financial Crime Prevention department in Norway, there are about 170 people, while Synne's team consists of around 30. The collaboration spans across cities and countries.
- We have teams consisting of both developers, product owners, business analysts, and UX experts, and as a product owner, I am a link between the customers and the developers.

Synne describes the team culture as primarily international.
- I have colleagues here at Fornebu where I sit, as well as in Bergen and Trondheim, and we have developers in both Poland and Ukraine. What makes it extra international is that many of those in Norway are not Norwegian. A great diversity of cultures in the team makes everyday life much more interesting, and I believe the solutions we develop are a notch better.

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One step up. And then another

It's not just the field Synne works in that is developing at a record pace; her career is also advancing rapidly.
- I started in a business development department but quickly expressed that I wasn't in my element there. I prefer more concrete tasks. I was therefore transferred to the AML (Anti-money laundering) department at my request. After just four short months, I was offered to become a product owner, which I, of course, accepted. Since then, I have taken on more responsibility and more products in my portfolio.

Increased responsibility has been welcomed by Synne with open arms.
- The learning curve is steep, no doubt about it, but I like it.

Synne has also received training and support to master the challenges.
- It's great to have leaders who listen and support me along the way. Additionally, I've received training and certifications to build competence. The theory I learned at school benefits from more practical training. I've been certified as a 'Scrum product owner' and in 'Product management,' so I absolutely feel that I am being invested in.


There is little doubt that Synne enjoys working at Tietoevry. She has felt this way almost from the very first moment.
- Tietoevry conducted speed-dates as the first part of the interview process. At the risk of taking the analogy too far, I can say it was 'love at first sight.' I remember calling my mom after that 'speed-date' and saying that this was the job I absolutely had to have!


Synne Husby
Product Owner, Tietoevry Banking (Financial Crime Prevention)

Education: Master of Economics from NMBU
Started at Tietoevry: 2021
Office: Fornebu, Norway
Fun Fact: Plays Candy Crush at level 9,682


Synne Husby

Product Owner, Tietoevry Banking (Financial Crime Prevention)

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