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Building bridges – embracing the role of a mentor

My journey as a mentor in the Startup Refugees’ mentoring program

Maiju Kukka / November 08, 2024

When I first heard about the Startup Refugees mentoring program, something resonated deeply within me. As someone who has been fortunate enough to navigate a fulfilling career in the IT industry, I felt a strong desire to give back.

I’ve had the privilege of being a mentor in the Startup Refugees’ mentoring program for the past couple of years, which has given me an opportunity to support the journey of refugee and immigrant entrepreneurs and professionals.

Mentoring as a building block

For me, mentoring is more than just giving someone professional guidance – it's about sharing knowledge and empowering individuals to unlock their potential. In the context of Startup Refugees mentoring program, many participants are navigating not only the complexities of starting a business or advancing a career but also the challenges of adapting to a new culture and economic environment. Mentoring can be one of the many building blocks to help individuals adapt, learn and flourish.

In the current challenging job market, many refugees and immigrants are struggling to navigate their career paths and build confidence. I had the opportunity to help my mentee regain self-esteem and explore new career opportunities beyond their initial focus. By providing guidance and support, I enabled them to recognize and pursue a broader range of career options, leading to renewed ambition and growth.

Personal gains from being a mentor

Although the main purpose of mentoring is to support and uplift mentees, it's important to acknowledge the personal growth and satisfaction it also brings to me as the mentor. Mentoring has strengthened my leadership and communication skills across cultures, while also broadening my views on resilience and innovation. I've learned as much from my mentees as they have from me, gaining invaluable insights into diverse approaches to problem-solving and resilience.

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The importance of corporate involvement

The importance of companies getting involved in projects like these cannot be overstated. As employees, we often seek meaning and purpose in our work beyond the traditional metrics of success. Participating in programs like Startup Refugees enriches corporate culture, fosters a sense of community, and aligns employees with a greater cause.

The Startup Refugees mentoring program demonstrates Tietoevry's commitment to social responsibility and inclusivity, which in turn boosts employee morale and pride in their workplace. Additionally, employees who engage in these initiatives can bring back enhanced skills, new perspectives, and increased motivation back to their roles, which then benefits the organization.

Being a mentor in the Startup Refugees program has been a truly rewarding and eye-opening experience. It has deepened my belief in the power of guidance, empathy, and mutual growth. As I look forward to continuing this journey, I hope more colleagues and companies will join in to support such impactful initiatives. Together, we can pave the way for innovative solutions, foster inclusive growth, and truly make a difference.

Maiju Kukka
Senior Digital Experience Consultant, Tietoevry Create

Maiju is passionate about fostering a workplace culture built on collaboration, empathy, and inclusiveness. She believes that in the digital experience and marketing technology consulting thrives on a combination of creativity, human connection, and technical precision. Also, high-impact results can be achieved without taking everything too seriously.


Maiju Kukka

Senior Digital Experience Consultant, Tietoevry Create

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