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Up-to-date care information registry helping to manage the Covid-19 pandemic

01 June 2020

New system features now enable automatic daily reporting of inpatient and outpatient treatment notifications.

Rapid and up-to-date collection of treatment notification data has become an important tool for authorities in their ongoing monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic. Together with the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), we have implemented new tools for hospital districts using Lifecare for collecting and reporting care data through national Hilmo system.

Hilmo is a nationwide social and healthcare data collection and reporting system, collating information and providing data across the healthcare landscape. Data collected includes the use of available services, access to care, the population’s health problems and epidemics, health promotion services, and the division of labour between professionals and care practices.

Effective use of care data supports crisis management

New system features now enable automatic daily reporting of inpatient and outpatient treatment notifications. Previously, data collection was limited to treatments that had finished, but also active treatment periods can now be seen in the reporting data. This reform will reduce the need for healthcare organizations to collect data manually.

This live, accurate information is critical for authorities to help monitor, report, and make decisions about care during the current healthcare pandemic. The data collected goes beyond just the number and location of Coronavirus infections, and where available, provides background information on any underlying conditions the patient may have.

The accelerated implementation of the project was facilitated by close co-operation between authorities and an initial trial and validation period in the Kanta-Häme hospital district. Most of other hospital districts currently using Lifecare implemented the new Hilmo features in May.

Read more about our Healthcare offering and services


Teemu Vähäkainu

Head of data-driven care

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