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The KEHA Centre selects TietoEVRY as its partner to accelerate digitalization

Published: 17 December 2020

TietoEVRY is supporting KEHA in a new digitalization push aimed at providing more modern and efficient administrative services to its stakeholders.

The KEHA Centre, which provides administration and development services to Finland’s Centres for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centres) and TE Offices, has chosen TietoEVRY as its main partner for the further development of license and supervision services. The aim of this new co-operation is to upgrade KEHA’s digital capability, thereby enhancing its ability to deliver modern and efficient services to its stakeholders.

“Our aim is to drive forward the digitalization of the KEHA Centre in a significant way. With this license and supervision project, we intend to facilitate the day-to-day work of the offices by developing services and processes and by coordinating the operations of different authorities. This is an extensive change in the manner of operating and thinking, which prioritizes the needs of clients as well as information and its use. We are eagerly looking forward to the co-operation with TietoEVRY in a totally new area,” says Heikki Heikkilä, CIO at KEHA.

”The new agreement expands our close and long-standing partnership significantly. It is great to be able to accelerate the digitalization of the KEHA Centre and make day-to-day life easier for citizens with more efficient services and better utilization of data. Well-functioning government services are of great importance to the wellbeing of the entire society," says Tiina Häkkä, Head of Central Government at TietoEVRY.

The procurement process of the KEHA Centre consisted of two separate competitive tenders. The other tender comprised expert services for solution development and maintenance services, and TietoEVRY was selected as one of the providers of e-service development.

The frame agreements are concluded for a period of six years, and they do not contain a fixed-sum purchase obligation. 

Eager to know more?

Tiina Häkkä

Industry Director of Public Sector, Tietoevry Tech Services

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