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Tieto innovates customer experience and feedback system for people with special needs and disabilities

Published: 24 March 2017

Technology is an enabler for new innovations and services making everyday life easier. In line with the view that digitalization can be used to create socially equal services for all, Tieto innovates a customer service system oriented for people with special needs. The unique project is conducted through a hackathon, together with Finland´s leading service provider for disabled people, Rinnekoti Foundation, as part of a programme highlighting Finland´s 100-year anniversary during 2017.

Designers from Tieto offices around the world gather in new Tieto headquarters in Keilalahti in the Helsinki region to develop a customer feedback system together with Rinnekoti, which specialises in customers with disabilities and rare diseases. The hackathon named  Design Jam is hosted by the designers of Tieto’s Customer Experience Management start-up, who have created new digital customer experience and service solutions for many customers around the Nordic countries. The participants have one day to address the challenge and create new ways to improve the customer service and feedback for people with special needs.

“Technology is taking giant leaps forward, and the benefits of digitalization need to to be available for all. Together with Rinnekoti and its customers, we want to showcase how the needs of often marginalized groups can be taken into account in UX design and create solutions that enable inclusion and well-being in society, says Jaakko Hartikainen, Head of Customer Experience Management start-up within Tieto.

 “We have an extensive experience in designing different kinds of customer-centric systems. As a part of the Finland100 centenary celebration we would like to share our expertise with Rinnekoti and their customers”, Jaakko Hartikainen continues.

Rinnekoti is the biggest private operator and service provider for disabled people and their families in Finland. Their services are used by approximately 2500–3000 people every year.

“ Our services are used by both children and adults who require special support due to disability, rare diseases or other reasons. Customer feedback is of utmost importance for us to develop our operations, but because the needs of people living in Rinnekoti vary it has been difficult to develop one fully functional concept. We hope that together with Tieto’s usability experts we will find good ideas on usability that is designed for everyone”, says Elina Rantanen, Chief Development Officer of Rinnekoti.

Tieto’s Rinnekoti collaboration is part of Tieto’s programme for the Finland100 centenary celebration year, during which Tieto aims to raise discussion about the working life of the future.

For additional information, please contact:

Jaakko Hartikainen, Head of Customer Experience Management start-up, Tieto
e-mail:, phone: +358 440 350 0445

Elina Rantanen, Chief Development Officer, Rinnekoti Foundation
e-mail:, phone: +358 50 342 3279

Tieto aims to capture the significant opportunities of the data-driven world and turn them into lifelong value for people, business and society. We aim to be customers’ first choice for business renewal by combining our software and services capabilities with a strong drive for co-innovation and ecosystems.

Rinnekoti Foundation provides social, health, and education services to people with disabilities and others in need of special support. Rinnekoti Foundation operates in the capital area and throughout the country. More information at

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