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Tieto delivers welfare technology to Nacka municipality

27 June 2017

Nacka municipality has initiated a unique collaboration with partners through a procurement of certain functions and services rather than specific products. The aim is to solve problems for individuals living at home through solutions such as digital supervision, positioning alarms and cognitive aids that remind them to take their medication at the right time.  

Tieto will deliver the welfare technology, including alarm reception, alarm management, support, training, installation and operation. Tieto is partnering with several different companies in order to offer a total solution for the functions. The company Vital Integration will deliver a majority of the individual services.

“We are thrilled that Nacka municipality has chosen Tieto as the overall supplier for this innovative and groundbreaking project. It confirms our ability to work with smaller and medium-sized companies to deliver smart and flexible solutions that will improve everyday life for both individuals, their relatives and staff. This is an area that is close to many of our hearts and where new solutions are necessary to meet the welfare challenges of the future,” says Joakim Börjesson, Head of SmartCare, Tieto Sweden.

The new agreement will also help Nacka municipality save time by using more efficient tools and simplified work processes for staff, which creates more quality time with individuals. Digital locks eliminate the need for collecting keys to different homes, while digital supervision reduces the need for nighttime visits.

“Nacka municipality aims to provide a safe and secure environment for its citizens where they maintain control over the services they need. The agreement with Tieto means we get access to modern welfare technology while the individual and its relatives get the flexibility and options they deserve, says Jonas Ek, Project Leader for Welfare Technology, Nacka Municipality.

For more information, contact:

Joakim Börjesson, Head of SmartCare, Tieto Sweden
Tel: +46 70-602 25 88; e-mail:

Jonas Ek, Project Leader for Welfare Technology, Nacka Municipality
Tel: +46 70-431 77 88; e-mail: 

Magnus Cederström, Account Manager, Vital Integration
Tel: +46 70-527 02 87, e-mail:

Tieto aims to capture the significant opportunities of the data-driven world and turn them into lifelong value for people, business and society. We aim to be customers’ first choice for business renewal by combining our software and services capabilities with a strong drive for co-innovation and ecosystems.


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