Vattenfall selects Tieto Smart Utility to support its Retail and Distribution business in the Nordics
Published: 21 June 2017
The energy company Vattenfall has based on two separate procurement processes selected Tieto to deliver its Tieto Smart Utility for Vattenfall Distribution and Vattenfall Retail in Sweden. The new system increases efficiency by digitalizing and automating the customer’s core business processes such as sales, customer services, work flow management and billing. Vattenfall in Sweden is serving approximately 900.000 energy retail and distribution customers respectively.
Vattenfall Eldistribution has selected Tieto in a public tender procurement to support its core Customer Management and Billing process based on a SaaS solution. The solution supports all regulatory requirements such as unbundling requirements and provides seamless transition into a future Supplier Centric Model and will give Vattenfall increased process automation with a competitive cost-to-serve. The initial contract duration is five years with an option for two additional years.
Vattenfall Retail has selected Tieto Smart Utility SaaS to support its future core processes. The new solutions will serve both consumers and corporate customers for electricity and district heating. The initial contract duration is seven years with an option for two additional years. Vattenfall will with this solution be able to create improved experience for its customer in all interactions as well as improving the internal efficiency, speed and competitiveness.
“Vattenfall aims for a solution that both enables improved customer experiences, business efficiency and at the same time prepares for the market changes. Tieto is our selected partner on this journey” comments Jonas Stenbeck, Vice President of Consumer Sales at Vattenfall.
“We are proud to the opportunity to expand our existing partnership and collaboration with Vattenfall in Sweden and Finland. Our aim is to increase our customers’ competitiveness in the transforming energy market and take an active part in our customers’ digital transformation journey. This agreement demonstrates Tieto’s leading position and our long-term investments and commitment towards the Nordic Energy market.” says Olof Ferenius Head of Energy Utilities in Tieto.
Tieto Smart Utility is a modular software as a service solution designed for energy retail, distribution and multi utility companies. The solution addresses the requirements stemming from present and forthcoming regulation of electricity markets. The scalable cloud service also meets stringent information security requirements by utilizing Tieto's Nordic data centres.
For further information, please contact:
Olof Ferenius, Head of Energy Utilities, Tieto
Tel: +46 7066 16791 email: olof.ferenius[at]tieto.com, olof.ferenius@tieto.com
Peter Ekeroth, Client Executive, Energy Utilities, Tieto
Tel: + 46 7029 55230, email: peter.ekeroth[at]tieto.com, peter.ekeroth@tieto.com
Tieto aims to capture the significant opportunities of the data-driven world and turn them into lifelong value for people, business and society. We aim to be customers’ first choice for business renewal by combining our software and services capabilities with a strong drive for co-innovation and ecosystems. www.tieto.com
Vattenfall is a Swedish, state owned, energy company with more than 20,000 employees with operations in Sweden, Germany,the Netherlands, Denmark, UK and Finland. Vattenfall supports the transition to a renewable energy system and has the objective to become leading in sustainable energy production and thereby secure a reliable and cost effective energy supply.
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