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Tieto appoints Anne Räsänen to drive innovation and growth for public sector customers in Finland

Published: 05 September 2017

Tieto today announced the appointment of Anne Räsänen as Vice President, Public Finland business unit. Her role is to drive innovation and productivity through digitalization for Tieto’s public sector customers. 

Starting in her position November 1st, 2017, Anne Räsänen joins Tieto from Doctagon, a healthcare services company, where she acted as director for public sector business. With over 20 years of experience from the public sector, IT and healthcare services in Finland, Belgium and the United States, Räsänen has gained extensive knowledge in developing business, services and IT solutions for the sector.

Räsänen holds an Executive MBA from Aalto-university and a Master in EU political and administrative studies from College of Europe as well as a degree in education, political sciences and economics from the University of Helsinki.

– It is with delight I welcome Anne with her extensive experience to the Tieto team. With her expertise we enable our customers to pave the way for the future and continue to drive the development of public sector and citizen services. On the behalf of the entire company I warmly welcome Anne to the team, says Cristina Petrescu, Executive Vice President, Tieto Public, Healthcare and Welfare.

– I am excited to join the Tieto team. The needs of the citizens are evolving and driving change in public services at an increasing pace. In parallel, Finland’s healthcare and welfare reforms require a major leap in productivity and efficiency to be successful. Tieto has excellent opportunities in enhancing this change across the public services, Anne Räsänen says.  

For further information, please contact:

Cristina Petrescu, Executive Vice President, Tieto Public, Healthcare and Welfare
cristina.petrescu(at),  +46 (70) 3400765

Tieto aims to capture the significant opportunities of the data-driven world and turn them into lifelong value for people, business and society. We aim to be customers’ first choice for business renewal by combining our software and services capabilities with a strong drive for co-innovation and ecosystems.


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