26 January 2018
Reference is made to the long-term incentive program described in section 12.6 of the prospectus issued in connection with the listing of EVRY in June 2017. The share option program described therein has now been finally approved by the board of directors, following which the primary insiders have been allotted conditional share options as follows:
Björn Ivroth, CEO has been granted 251 813 conditional options, following which Björn Ivroth holds in total 4 059 404 shares and 251 813 options in EVRY;
Kolbjørn Haarr (EVP BA Norway) has been granted 83 633 conditional options, following which Kolbjørn Haarr holds in total 553 068 shares and 83 633 options in EVRY;
Wiljar Nesse (EVP Financial Services) has been granted 76 943 conditional options, following which Wiljar Nesse holds in total 1 231 157 shares and 76 943 options in EVRY;
Fredrik Almen (EVP BA Sweden) has been granted 76 943 conditional options, following which Fredrik Almen holds in total 588 786 shares and 76 943 options in EVRY;
Per Kristian Hove (EVP Digital Platform Services) has been granted 66 907 conditional options, following which Per Kristian Hove holds in total 356 869 shares and 66 907 options in EVRY;
Henrik Schibler (Group CFO) has been granted 180 648 conditional options, following which Henrik Schibler holds in total 794 358 shares and 180 648 options in EVRY;
Björn Martinsson (EVP Group Strategy) has been granted 71 514 conditional options, following which Björn Martinsson holds in total 119,980 shares and 71 514 options in EVRY;
Unni Strømsdal (EVP Market and communication) has been granted 44 190 conditional options, following which Unni Strømsdal holds in total 0 shares and 44 190 options in EVRY;
Trond Vinje (EVP HR) has been granted 53 525 conditional options, following which Trond Vinje holds in total 207 400 shares and 53 525 options in EVRY;
Arne Byberg (Corporate Secretary) has been granted 61 866 conditional options, following which Arne Byberg holds in total 23 229 shares and 61 866 options in EVRY;
Each share option gives the right, provided certain conditions are met, to subscribe for and be allotted one (1) share in the Company at an exercise price equal to the par value of the shares in EVRY (currently NOK 1.75 per share).
Exercise of vested share options is conditional upon the fair market value of the shares in EVRY being equal to or higher than the fair market value of the shares at the time of grant of the share options. The conditional options shall vest 1/3 1 year after allotment, additionally 1/3 after 2 years and then the remaining 1/3 after 3 years. Unvested options expire after 7 years. There will be a 12 months lock in period for shares received upon exercise of vested share options.
Total granted and allotted options in EVRY as of today are 2 289 284.
Pursuant to the Norwegian Public Limited Companies act section 6-16a, the share option program shall be approved by the general meeting of EVRY.
For investor enquiries:
Frank Stangnes, Head of Group Treasury and Investor Relations, +47 47453275
For media enquiries:
Unni Strømstad, EVP Communications and Marketing Tel: (+47) 97753453