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Tieto started investigation to clarify possible misuse of company assets by its Latvian operations

Published: 31 January 2018

Tieto is aware of the accusations concerning bribery by one former employee, who has been active in limited business operations in Belarus. Tieto is working to obtain official and reliable information about the case through an own independent audit and co-operation with authorities.

According to Belarusian media, the person, a Latvian citizen, has confessed to giving bribes to a Belarusian state official using Tieto Latvia assets between 2011 and 2016.

Tieto has zero tolerance towards any unethical behavior or misconduct in its operations and has started an independent investigation concerning possible misuse of company assets in Tieto Latvia. The financial impact of this case for Tieto seems to be immaterial.

Tieto requires all its employees worldwide as well as its suppliers and their subcontractors to comply with the national legislation and the principles set out in the company’s Code of Conduct. Tieto’s Code of Conduct is in accordance with United Nations Global Compact and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

“We take all suspected breaches against our Code of Conduct policy seriously and have initiated an independent audit to clarify the possible misuse of company assets. We require all our employees and partners globally to act according to our Code of Conduct as well as laws and regulations of each operating country,” says Kia Haring, Global Head of Communications and CR.

More information:

Kia Haring, Head of Global Communications and CR, kia.haring[at], +358 40 765 3700

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