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Repurchase of own shares

Published: 21 February 2023

Tietoevry Corporation          STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE          21 February 2023  7.00 p.m. EET

Date:  21 February 2023

Exchange transaction: Buy


Share class:  TIETO

Amount, shares: 47 000

Average price/share, EUR 29.9437

Total price, EUR: 1 407 353.90


The number of shares held by Tietoevry Corporation after the completion of transactions: 165 468 shares.



On behalf of Tietoevry Corporation     


EVLI PLC               

Joachim Dannberg               


For further information, please contact:

Tommi Järvenpää, Head of Investor Relations, tel. +358 40 576 0288, tommi.jarvenpaa (at)







NASDAQ Helsinki

NASDAQ Stockholm

Oslo Børs

Principal Media



Tietoevry creates purposeful technology that reinvents the world for good. We are a leading technology company with a strong Nordic heritage and global capabilities. Based on our core values of openness, trust and diversity, we work with our customers to develop digital futures where businesses, societies, and humanity thrive.


Our 24 000 experts globally specialize in cloud, data, and software, serving thousands of enterprise and public sector customers in more than 90 countries. Tietoevry’s annual turnover is approximately EUR 3 billion and the company’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ exchange in Helsinki and Stockholm, as well as on Oslo Børs.


TIETO 21 2 2023.xlsx

For further information

Tommi Järvenpää

Head of Investor Relations

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