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The CleverHealth Network delivers digital healthcare innovations

The CleverHealth Network brings together technology companies and healthcare to develop data-based healthcare solutions in as little as six months.

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Healthcare development needs the public and private sectors to work together on digital innovation.

The CleverHealth Network — established in the autumn of 2017 — brings together Finland’s leading healthcare experts, health data collected by HUS and the technological competence of 14 companies.

Traditionally, HUS developed healthcare solutions with individual partners. In the new ecosystem healthcare experts and private companies develop digital applications together, with all participants working towards a common goal – creating real health benefits for the population of Finland.

At HUS, nearly 100 percent of patient data is digital – which is unique, even on a global scale. HUS wants to further exploit this wealth of data to offer even higher quality healthcare and to develop cutting-edge medical research.

'In the CleverHealth Network, the participating companies pursue projects that suit their specific expertise. Therefore, it is possible to process data more quickly and more efficiently. Innovative solutions can be put to use within just six months, even though medical research projects normally take several years,' explains Miikka Korja, Chief Innovation Officer HUS.

Ecosystems thrive on trust and transparency

To produce meaningful innovations, trust and transparency among all parties is essential. In this ecosystem – like in the academic world – everybody shares their expertise with partners, even if some are their competitors. More importantly, all parties use information in pursuit of a common goal - creating health benefits.

'In the CleverHealth Network everyone wins. The companies get real and meaningful ideas for their product and service development and can also learn a lot from each other. While HUS gains new solutions that will create true wellbeing for people living in Finland,' says Matti Ristimäki, Director of Tieto Intelligent Wellbeing.

HUS-DataLake makes data readily available for innovation

We are proud to be part of the CleverHealth Network. We actively participate in innovating and developing data-based solutions, while creating new features for the patient data management system. The HUS-DataLake – created in collaboration with the HUS Data Administration department – occupies a key position in the CleverHealth Network’s projects.

'The data lake is a big data solution that gathers data from various HUS data systems into one place. In addition, it integrates all available data about a single individual from different systems, plus it improves the quality of handwritten data, making it more usable by AI solutions,' explains Ristimäki.

'The data lake offers significant benefits for healthcare development. It enables the use of data to create predictive algorithms for individual patients or larger populations. Moreover, the data can be pseudonymised or anonymised, preventing individual people from being identified. In this way, the data can be used in collaborative projects with companies, without giving access to any personal data. This creates a fast track for developing new treatments and technologies,' comments Korja.

The future of healthcare is promising

All participants are extremely pleased with the first steps of the CleverHealth Network. If the impressive pace continues, the ecosystem could be expanded to include more of the hospitals’ ideas and more startups. Certainly, the ecosystem provides great opportunities for startups working with health technology, as it allows agile testing of solutions in a real-world hospital environment.

In the future, we are likely to see even more unique, digital healthcare innovations that improve the wellbeing of the population of Finland.

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