Medical Center Fenix: DynamicHealth supports in everyday life and growth
This new company is planning on opening new clinics.

Head of data-driven care
The challenge
Starting a new medical center during the coronavirus pandemic. Supporting a new company’s client processes and business through DynamicHealth, and deploying a patient data management system while key stakeholders take care of other administrative work and procedures related to opening a new business.
The solution
DynamicHealth includes all necessary tools to manage patient data, appointment booking and invoicing, and several optional services that bring added value. It supports professional's decision-making and ensures smooth digital data transfers between insurance companies, authorities, and other health care operators. Modular solution can be scaled to meet the needs of small units as well as nationwide chains.
About the customer
Medical center Fenix opened in Porvoo in August 2020. The center that three doctors and a sales professional founded has been growing its staff and client base steadily since opening. At the moment, the center employs 13 healthcare professionals and is planning to expand. In addition to providing general and specialist medical services, the center also offers occupational health care and a sports clinic specializing in treating and preventing sports-related injuries.

Good service for the customers
An effective tool for managing client processes in private healthcare. Functions from appointment booking to patient data recording, billing, and fee accounting in the same system.

Support for your business
The data that is in systematic form enables diverse reports to develop the business. Several different interfaces allow efficient integrations to other external systems.

Optional product packages
Due to the modular solution, the company can choose product packages & features suitable for the business, such as Occupational Health or Hospital Program, including operating room functions.
Towards opening a new medical center
The philosophy behind founding Fenix was to build a medical center that's owned and led by doctors and where the employees can impact the work and the ways of working. According to this principle, Joonas Tynkkynen, a doctor and a partner in the company, was responsible for preparing and deploying the DynamicHealth patient data management system.
The preparations for DynamicHealth deployment started in May 2020, and the process culminated in a launch event in August 2020. Also, other external factors impacted the schedules, like the availability of the premises and the permit process of starting a new medical center. The deployment included the user education of Tynkkynen, some independent studies, and the configuration of the system consisting of modules to meet the new medical center's needs.
“When we open a clinic, before deployment, we need to do a lot of basic work. If we insert an investigation into the system, we also need to have a price for it”, tells Iiro Välimäki, the CEO and Ph.D. in medicine.
“It was difficult to anticipate which features different doctors or nurses would need in different
specialties. But it all went quite well, after figuring out the logic in certain areas and internalizing it latest after reading the instructions”, Tynkkynen continues.
Iiro Välimäki, Ph.D. in medicine and CEO, Medical Center Fenix
The biggest thing was that Joonas educated himself to be the main user and due to that he can implement all necessary changes in DynamicHealth software.
Ph.D. in medicine and CEO, Medical Center Fenix
30-minute onboarding for users has been sufficient
DynamicHealth is a modular system, in which the client can pick up the features they need and also tailor the overall solution as they go.
Tynkkynen says that preparing the deployment was a huge effort, but the system is simple for the end-users. For the majority of Fenix's employees, DynamicHealth is familiar from previous experience, but, for example, the nutritionist didn't have experience in using it before.
“After about half an hour of onboarding, she was able to start the practice without any bigger setbacks. It already says a lot about the system”, Tynkkynen tells.
The future plan of this growth-focused company is to open new clinics. Adding them into the same operating system is an easy fix. The reports produced in DynamicHealth are supporting the business of Fenix.
“We can follow the age distribution of our clients and what time they are coming. We can see the cash flow and invoicing. We are also able to follow the situation also per employee and see how many purchases we get a day”, tells Välimäki, who is responsible for the finances.
User data also plays an important role in marketing and developing new services.
“We can, for example, evaluate how we could better serve specific age segments.”
The data in DynamicHealth is in systemic form, and it has several integrations to other external systems, like Kanta-service patient data archive, insurance reimbursements, and the PACS achieve of X-rays. The ability to safely transfer different reports is needed, for example, between the employer and the medical center that is responsible for occupational healthcare. The system is constantly updated and developed to meet the requirements of patient security and cybersecurity.
DynamicHealth is simple and doctor-driven software. It’s really simple. That’s why it’s easy to learn to use it.
Ph.D. in medicine and CEO, Medical Center Fenix
Achievement worth of sparkling wine
At TietoEVRY, the first DynamicHealth contact for the client was the sales director Antti Virtanen. They made a deal in April 2020. After that Anna Forsblom was responsible for the deployment and training. The project was moving from the kickoff in early May to going through the checklist of the deployment process. The training was every Friday remotely.
Tynkkynen mentions that the team from TietoEVRY warned about the workload ahead since there was only one person operating as a main user. In addition to training, independent work and studying were needed in order to finish the prep work. Tynkkynen was working all July and couldn’t avoid stress either. Sometimes the teams at Fenix and TietoEVRY were waiting for the permits so that the deployment could progress to different stages, like building connections to Kanta-service and testing digital prescriptions.
After the intensive start and deployment, it hasn’t been heavy for Tynkkynen to be the only main user.
“It feels good that I know the environment, and I know what’s going on. I’m on top of things instead of needing to use an external provider all the time. These days we also have a couple of other main users who can adjust things behind the scene or create new pricing codes.”
“We haven’t had any surprises. Everything has been transparent from the beginning, like the costs. It has been important for us”, Välimäki tells.
It was clear that they’ve done several deployments before. They have a protocol to follow to make sure everything gets done.
partner and doctor, Medical Center Fenix
Joonas Tynkkynen, partner and doctor, Medical Center Fenix
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