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Ceiling details of Welsh Assembly Government Building. Reflecting the forms of a sandy beach.

Enterprise architecture bridging business and IT

Setting the path for digital transformation requires understanding the enterprise architecture - past, present, and future. We light your way towards a future-proof business and IT landscape.

Purposeful IT and business landscape

Our enterprise and data architects are skilled in turning business strategy and vision into effective enterprise change. We focus on truly understanding our customers’ present and future state and enabling evolution and digital transformation.

Our enterprise and data architecture services deliver a holistic understanding of your business processes, data flows, and technology environment. Together, we will find concrete direction and steps toward IT and business landscapes that support your future targets. Our enterprise architects are strategic digital transformation advisors seeking ways to accelerate your growth and enterprise efficiency.

Our comprehensive Enterprise Architecture framework and methodology are based on years of experience with large Nordic headquartered companies. We combine all our capabilities with the skills of selected partners to help you to achieve efficient enterprise change and enhanced collaboration between stakeholders.

Mauri Tusa

Head of Enterprise Architecture, Tietoevry Tech Services

Key benefits

A shared understanding of enterprise architecture helps to bridge business strategy and IT execution. Putting a stop to organizational silos opens innovations for new solutions.

IT and business alignment

A shared understanding of enterprise architecture helps to bridge business strategy and IT execution. Putting a stop to organizational silos opens innovations for new solutions.

Improved collaboration across the organization helps to optimize operations, processes, and data use. We help to further develop your capabilities with advanced technologies.

Improved capabilities

Improved collaboration across the organization helps to optimize operations, processes, and data use. We help to further develop your capabilities with advanced technologies.

Enterprise architecture governance and application portfolio management bring transparency to cost management and revenue cost drivers. This helps guide the direction of development

Understanding revenue and cost drivers

Enterprise architecture governance and application portfolio management bring transparency to cost management and revenue cost drivers. This helps guide the direction of development

Key capabilities

Business consultancy

Knowing where your business landscape is today makes it easier to set the direction and define change needs. We explore how your current processes, capabilities, and change drivers match your strategic targets and business goals. Get a shared understanding, an up-to-date business model canvas, and a recommended roadmap for digital transformation execution. Together we can drive your targets to the finish line.

Application portfolio assessment

Keeping up with the IT landscape can be challenging. Constant changes, lack of resources, and technological development add complexity. We help you to get a holistic understanding of what your IT assets are now, and what they should be in the future. We use application portfolio assessment to propose how to improve applications and develop the capabilities you need. The portfolio assessment will clarify your digital transformation path.

Perfecting their work with some final touches
colleagues talking, looking at the tablet

Postmodern enterprise architecture consultancy

Being postmodern simply means that you have the business capabilities that you need in order to be successful in the future. We help you to identify new opportunities and business capabilities and align your business functions and required IT services. As a result, you will get a vision of your Enterprise Architecture (EA) and a roadmap of how to get there.

Data architecture consultancy

Data should flow freely and feed your business and innovations. Yet many struggle with legacy systems, organizational silos, and data quality. Knowing your business is key. Our data architects dive into your business needs and critical information flows – creation, usage, lifecycle, and technology. As a result, you get insights on how to enhance your business with high-quality, secure data and modern cloud-based solutions.

Successful company with happy workers
Modern architecture

Architecture management

Your digital transformation is a journey, during which your architectures evolve on many levels: enterprise, domain, solution, and integration. To reach the target vision, architecture requires management and support for delivery. We support your journey by combining all our capabilities with the ones of selected partners.

In the spotlight

Composable Business: Exploring business design and architecture of the future

Learn from the experiences of dozens of digital transformation cases paving the way to profound business agility.

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ERP Architecture – 2 fundamental cornerstones and 4 architypes to serve your business

It's time to focus on your business and business users, and what ERP can offer to them.

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What is headless architecture and how it can significantly improve the SAP ERP user experience?

Headless SAP might sound like a crazy term, but it does make sense.

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GoField – The three most important steps towards SAP S/4HANA

Now is the time to select the most suitable travel companion for your transformation journey.

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