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Time to get a standardized messaging model in Order to Delivery Messaging

PEPPOL Authority will be published in Finland to accelerate the structured messaging model in Supply chain messaging.

16.11.2021, Online
Watch the recording

Webinar: Market Finland, Time to get a standardized messaging model in Order to Delivery Messaging

PEPPOL Authority will be published in Finland to accelerate the structured messaging model in Supply chain messaging. TietoEVRY will lead you into the topic and guest speaker from State Treasury will give an insight of the initiatives in Finland.

Time to accelerate the standardization of procurement messaging in the Finnish market and hear what initiatives are planned. We want to raise discussion and hear different views around the topic.

Tune in if you are looking to modernize your procurement processes and supply chain messaging and save costs in the long run.

After the Webinar, you will know and learn:

  • About PEPPOL access point coverage and market needs for standardizing the messaging model in Supply Chain messages.
  • What concrete initiatives will be established by the Government in Finnish market now and by the end of 2023.
  • How has PEPPOL usage increased in Norwegian market and what has been the success factors.



Tuula Erolainen
Lead Product Manager, TietoEVRY
Tuula is a passionate advocate of digitalization and sees working with customers as the most important thing in her work. She has been involved in helping multiple clients finding new, alternative ways to streamline the exchange of their critical business information.
Tapani Turunen
Lead Specialist, State Treasury
After having a long career in enterprise world, Tapani joined State Treasury to drive digitalization also in Procurement messaging standardization as part of ‘Yrityksen Digitalous’ program. Tapani has been speaking about PEPPOL in many occasions in Finland.
Anders Ødegård
Product Manager, TietoEVRY
Anders has profound experience in message standardization after being part of the PEPPOL acceleration in Norwegian market. Recently he has been responsible for new peppol services within PEPPOL payment and eGovernment. Anders also knows the ways of working in Supply Chain Messaging market in Norway.

Ota yhteyttä

Tuula Erolainen

Lead Product Manager


Tuula Erolainen

Lead Product Manager, TietoEVRY

Tapani Turunen

Lead Specialist, State Treasury

Anders Ødegård

Product Manager, TietoEVRY

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22.00-11.00 UTC

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