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See our AI telco solutions at MWC 2025!

Network co-pilot, network energy efficiency boost, software time-to-market reduction, and more

3 - 6.3.2025 / Barcelona

Tietoevry Create Telecom Team presented our latest AI-powered solutions and services for telcos at the most important event in the telecommunications and connectivity industry – Mobile World Congress 2025!

  • AMD Kubernetes Power Management by Michael Pedersen. Maximize energy savings from workloads running on Kubernetes;
  • AMD MINT and RCSW Reference Software by Michael Pedersen. Reduce O-RU software time-to-market and simplify implementation;
  • Tietoevry Create Network Automation Validation Solution by Lars Lindeberg. Generate synthetic network traffic at scale for network validation;
  • Tietoevry Create Network Co-pilot by Mats Eriksson. Explore what-if scenarios for RAN;
  • Intel® FlexRAN™ Reference Software System Behavior Analysis by Andriy Bilous. Reduce turn-around times for development.

If you missed these at MWC 2025, contact our experts to request personal demos for your company.

Visit for more on our solutions and services for telcos!

Contact us

Joanna Samplawska

Head of Global Telecom Chapter

Date and place

3 - 6.3.2025
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