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Shares and shareholders

Our corporate shares have been listed on the main list of Nasdaq Helsinki since 1984 and A-list of Nasdaq Stockholm since 1999. Trading in Oslo Stock Exchange started in 2019

Share and shareholders

We believe it is essential that our shareholders are treated fairly and have appropriate access to the company

Tommi Järvenpää

Head of Investor Relations

Shares, dividends and shareholders


Our share capital is EUR 76 555 412.00 and the number of shares is 118 640 150. We have one class of shares, and all shares are entitled to one vote and the same dividend.

Trading code

Our trading code is TIETO in Nasdaq Helsinki, TIETOS in Nasdaq Stockholm and TIETO in Oslo Stock Exchange. All shares are entitled to one vote and the same dividend. ISIN code is FI0009000277.

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Our dividends have been at an attractive level for several years. We aim to maintain attractive dividend practice also going forward.


Free float for Tietoevry share is high. Currently, Silchester and Solidium with a holding of above 10% are the largest shareholders.

Video call with boss
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