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Successful company with happy workers

Managing sustainability

Sustainability is more than just good will. It is a company-wide operation rooted in transparency and global sustainability principles.

Driving sustainability performance

We have been a signatory of the UN Global Compact principles for environmental care, human rights, worker's rights and anti-corruption since 2010. Also, we comply with the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. We are aligned with the CSRD Directive and report according to the ESRS standard.

Ida Bohman Steenberg

Chief Sustainability Officer

Global principles and EU legislation steer and support our work

We regard sustainability as a responsibility and an opportunity. We need to be environmentally, socially and financially responsible in our daily business to meet the requirements and expectations set by our stakeholders. We must also drive sustainable outcomes for our customers and society through our innovative solutions. Through sound governance, compliance, processes, tools and organization, we make this happen.

We align our sustainability pledge, daily practices and reporting with EU legislation, international norms, frameworks and legislation covering anti-corruption, the environment, human rights and labour rights. Our sustainability approach is thereby founded on the Double Materiality analysis as outlined in the CSRD, principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and aligned with the UN’s Global Sustainable Development Goals.

However, our sustainability efforts are not only a question of complying with regulations. We are determined to be part of a just transition and contribute to a more sustainable society. That means reaching beyond regulations with higher standards.

Sustainability every day

Our sustainability work is facilitated by the company’s Sustainability team and supported by the Sustainability Steering group, which is chaired by the Chief Sustainability Officer (CSO). The Sustainability Steering group represents different functions and units, ensuring that the voices of various internal and external stakeholders are heard. Our aim is to maintain a balanced male and female representation in the steering group, as well as younger and more experienced management. 

Daily sustainability activities are facilitated by the sustainability team and led by the CSO, who is also responsible for the company's sustainability policies and processes. The CSO reports directly to the Chief Financial Officer, who in turn reports to the CEO.

Tietoevry's Sustainability Pledge sets our ambitions going forward. 


Our ethical principles are summarised in our Code of Conduct Policy, which applies to all our employees as well as any third party contributing to our services, products and other business activities. The Code of Conduct is aligned with international frameworks and norms, as well as local legislations.

Read more on our business ethics and our Code of Conduct here. 


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