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Warehouse delivery check

Purposeful technology

Looking beyond business and sector lines, we create sustainable solutions that make a lasting impact on our customers, their customers and the planet.

Making a difference

We look to uncover sustainability challenges and solve them with innovative solutions. Our solutions benefit our customers, their customers and society as a whole. Scalable sustainable solutions can make a positive impact across all sectors. Our intelligent solutions deliver tangible impacts, that benefit people and the planet alike.

Ida Bohman Steenberg

Chief Sustainability Officer

Sustainability in action

Consumers find companies' role in solving the climate crisis important

Only 15% of Finns, Swedes and Norwegians find it easy to evaluate the sustainability performance of companies , 30% want more transparency.

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IDC recognizes Tietoevry as a Major Player for Smart Cities

Smart cities focus on economic development, sustainability, innovation and citizen engagement to change and improve the quality of life.

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Our efforts for the environment have been recognised in the Climate Disclosure Project

Our efforts to impact climate change has been recognised with an A list ranking in CDP's climate ranking.

Climate data helps citizens and municipalities cut CO2 emissions

The goal is to create a tool to truly map out where we are in reaching UN Sustainable Development Goal 12, sustainable consumption

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Data helps the city of Vaasa go carbon neutral

The team is researching measures that could slow down climate change, with the City of Vaasa a pilot environment.

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A sustainable world one step at a time

Unleashing ESG capabilities with data

A major challenge in ESG reporting is to identify valid and reliable sustainability metrics for all key business areas.Tietoevry's role is to support companies in improving their capabilities linked to ESG data. Read more in the blog!

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Climate change may affect the financing of companies

Climate change and sustainability are becoming a significant element in the development of companies’ risk profiles and profitability in all industries. In response to this, Sparebanken Sør is now strengthening its work on risk assessment and advice relating to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors as part of the financing services it provides for corporate customers.

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An innovative IoT solution that includes everyone

In the spring of 2020, the local government in Skellefteå Municipality came to Tietoevry and presented a problem. How to enable persons with cognitive and/or physical limitations, who cannot use an app or other digital services, to clock in and out of work using a digital time reporting tool? Read more in the article.

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When sustainability meets digitalization

The National Resource Institute Finland Luke acts under the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. It researches alternatives to make better use of renewable natural resources. Driving change requires a mastery of the latest technologies and communication methods. Read more how we have been supporting Luke to better position and market their expertise to increase the impact of what they do to build a better tomorrow.

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The Polite Type

The Polite Type is an initiative against cyberbullying, co-developed with teenagers. It is an open-source font that rewrites hurtful words and replaces them with more considerate ones to ignite anti-bullying discussion. Together with our long-term partner Children & Youth Foundation in Finland, we want bullies to rethink the words they use and the actual meaning behind them.

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How data helps to solve the biggest environmental challenges

How is climate data supporting the customers of Vaisala Xweather - and what kind of business model to build around it? Learn more in an episode of Data insiders, Tietoevry's data-driven podcast.

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How dictation saves time when treating patients

How to expedite patient data entry and availability is key questions when improving health and care. Speech recognition makes a difference, and a most significant advantage is the real time transfer of data from one professional to another. For example, when a patient is being moved from the emergency clinic to the ward, all patient data is immediately available from the electronic medical records as soon as the doctor has finished her dictation.

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Akershurs Energi and data capabilities

Akershus Energi is boosting data capabilities to handle future energy needs. Energy companies possess vast quantities of data stored locally at hydropower plants, wind farms or district-heating facilities. But sharing this data with the rest of the organisation is not always easy. Akershus Energi is changing that. Effective use of operational data helps to reduce costs, optimise production and streamline processes.

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solar panels and wind turbine winter

How Nordic banking is turning investment more sustainable

Within eight years we have to slash the world’s CO2 emissions in half. European banks and policymakers are already leading the way, seeing sustainable investment as an opportunity combined with responsibility. Read what our Banking Client Partner Jennifer Rebel has to say on the topic.

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AI-powered healthcare

With healthcare systems around the world burdened by staff shortages and tightening budgets, the sector is increasingly looking to Artificial Intelligence for support. Tietoevry Care has multiple solutions under development.

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Young medical doctor is using an ipad tablet doing administration and medical healthcare reports

Drive climate action using sustainable software solutions

Public 360° case management system is a solution that facilitates day-to-day operations in a sustainable way, contributing to CO₂ emissions reduction while helping to achieve your organization’s sustainability goals. Read more on the solution here.

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Eidefoss and Tietoevry - data for energy transition

The energy data management solution enables the customer to use data for insights to drive business opportunities, secure business operations and manage the energy transition as a renewable energy producer and electricity distribution system owner. Read more on the case here!

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Digitalisation to aid the elderly in Sweden

Innovating to benefit people who are not at home in the digital world is an important part of social sustainability. How could we introduce digitalization into the homes of users of a home care service? A joint innovation project with two Swedish municipalities, Malmö City and Kristianstad, explored the opportunities.

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Speeding up research and treatment with AI

An AI solution developed for researches uses natural language processing to recognize phrases and words from medical records it has been taught. The tool then structures the gathered data according to set labels and transfers it to a data lake – where researchers can access it in real time. This speeds up research and makes brain disease treatment more efficient and patient-centric. Read more about the project with Neurocenter in Finland.

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