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Cloud services

Your business is our passion. We enable digital business at scale with our local and global cloud experts, comprehensive package of hybrid, private and public cloud solutions, and global partners.

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Get the most out of Cloud

One thing is certain: Every organization’s infrastructure is migrating into the cloud, sooner or later. You might have done that already, finished parts of it, or just about to start. Your driver may be business agility, developer productivity, operational resiliency, cost optimisation, or meeting your industry’s compliance and security requirements.

Whatever the case, shifting from traditional to next generation cloud environments at the right pace across public, private and hybrid environments – while maintaining the pace of ongoing business – is a journey that will challenge any organization. We have the solutions and processes to shift from traditional towards the cloud native concepts of providing IT services at scale.

Reach out to us. We can help you determine a cloud journey that you and your stakeholders can believe in. Our local industry and cloud experts know the Nordic market inside out and are experienced in managing the complexity across traditional and cloud-centric infrastructures at every step of the way. We have deep partnerships with leading technology providers, and together we have helped more than 200 leading Nordic organizations through this journey.

Michael Lenahan

VP and Head of Data, Cloud and Security Services, Tech Services

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