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Security Services

We provide comprehensive services that protect your digital assets — in day-to-day operations and during business changes ensuring your security practices meet the evolving regulatory requirements.

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Seize digital opportunities securely

In the digital age of the 21st century, one of the biggest opportunities for organizations is the digitalization of operations, deliveries and business models. Unfortunately, this opens them up to the risk of increasingly sophisticated cyber threats and attacks. Governments and industry organizations are doing their best to keep legislation and standards on par with development, which consequently changes the circumstances in which a cybersecurity organization operates.

The challenge of managing cybersecurity in a context where everything is constantly changing, while at the same time finding qualified personnel to do it, can sometimes appear overwhelming. This is why 36% of cybersecurity leaders choose to partner with an MSSP (Managed Security Service Provider). By doing so, you can fast-track your way to realizing your cybersecurity strategy, improve security visibility, enhance response capability, and future-proof your organization.

Sigrun Hansen Bock

Head of Cybersecurity Services

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